With a 10 year background in swimming I thought that perhaps it would be a relatively easy task to cover the 3.2 km in decent time. Obviously I was wrong. Open water swimming in the ocean (I have done it before in a lake during a triathlon) turned out to be a whole different sport with a whole set of techincal skills I need to learn.
Among them:
1. Do not wear a wetsuit just because you have one and feel its a waste not to wear it. If the water is cool go with just the swim suit.
2. I need to learn how to swim hard. If I take it easy I can see where I am going but the second I begin pushing it I go off course.
3. Pace, pace, pace. Need to learn how to keep pace when there are no distance marks.
The distance, although double than anything I had ever done was not challenging. Yes it was tiring, but considering I couldn't really push myself (as I would go off course), I ended with a lot of energy.
But well, to the report.
The course consisted of 300 meters out and back to the start line in the sand. Then out again for the remaining 2600 meters. Taking the running advantage at the beginning I managed to go into the sand 6th after the first 600 meters. Things felt good, but everything would go downhill from there. The second I got into the water the wetsuit began cutting through my neck. I had forgotten to put on some lubricant on my skin!! Every breathe I took was more and more painful. After 5 minutes I could feel my neck burning, even felt as if it was bleeding. I kept on going trying to breathe by looking forward without moving my neck, but this was just slowing me down. 1700 meters left. I had to take my wetsuit off.
Now one small explanation:
I dont know if it is the same for everyone but I find it very difficult to put on my wetsuit. Taking it off I think is even harder. Taking it off in the middle of the ocean, tired and with no floor to stand on ... for me an impossible task.
I spotted the water stating and swam towards it.
The conversation (screaming) was something like this:
Me: Can I leave my wetsuit here?
Him: Here you are.
Me: I do not need water.
Him: Here you are (to the swimmer next to me).
Me: Yo! I want to leave my wetsuit here (looking at the time in my watch).
Him: Sure
Me: Begin the process and get too tired midway to finish. Both my hands are stretched pointing to the sky trapped with the upper part of the suit. My face completely covered and I am sinking. Me: Excuse me, can someone out there help me take the suit off?
Him: Here you are.
Me: (if I were not next to a boat this would be it) ... Yoooooo!!!!! Take off this suit !!!!! Take it offfffff!
Him: Excuse me what?
Another guy: Starts laughing
Me: Help! me! Help! me! pull this off! pull it!
Him: Pulls off my suit
Me: Thanks
Now that took SO LONG! Dozens of swimmers had gone by me.
They even took a picture!

The remaining of the swim went smoothly. If felt great to swim without the suit.
Ended 6th in my age group I think but around 30th in the general category.
The Rough Water Series ended up been a rough challenge. Will be back next year for a second round.