Sunday, September 16, 2007

The weather

The weather in this country is terrible ... why? Because there are four seasons.
In Lima it is always fall / spring kind of weather. It never goes below 11 and definitely never goes above 30. However in Tokyo this summer it went over 40 and in winter it can go a couple of degrees below 0. In addition to that we have rain, (non of that in Lima), wind, super humidity and typhoons.
Doing sports under this conditions is a real challenge.

Recently I went through a general body check up to make sure my protein, blood cells, calories, and other data were all in order. Apparently I was taking a little too many naps and that got some people here concerned.
Just like I thought: I had a perfect health. The doctor was really surprised that a person with such perfect data existed still in the world.
Why the naps then? Well it's too hot in June, July, August and September and too cold in November, December, January and February. I guess once I get used to it in some 10 years things will be fine.
Something worth sharing I got from the hospital was the secret to a long life:

Low salt
Omit sugar
No smoking
Good sleep

Low fat
Increase of interests


GKK said...

Lima sounds perfect!

Anonymous said...

what about beer? why isn`t beer listed as a way to prolong life?

Omar Minami said...

True, it probably was I just misunderstood the Japanese.
I guess I confused interest with beer. Increase of beer it is then