Monday, September 1, 2008

I am in pain!!! (graphic)

This blog is called running like the Gingerbread man but after this summer should be changed to having great falls like Humpty Dumpty.
First time was early August. The weather forecast said it would rain a lot, but the sky looked clear so I decided to go for a bike ride to prepare for my triathlon. A few minutes later it began to shower ... 30 minutes later it was pouring ... 1 hour later it had become one of the rainiest days Tokyo has ever had. I lost control at a curve and since I was clipped to the pedals sled together with the bike. It was really painful.
Several floods were reported that day in the city as well as some deaths. Bad day to cycle.
Pretty gross huh?

And the most recent, my leg ... this time however I fell to win.
This weekend took part in the Nihon Gakuen Aquathlon (report to come soon) and fell while trying to catch the leader. At first it looked like a regular wound but my leg is now all red and swollen. Just slipped, flew and smacked my right leg between some rocks. It is actually my shin the part with most damage although you can't see it here clearly.

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