Monday, August 20, 2007

The beginning: 2006 running

2006 was a year of many surprises and changes. In sports, it was my warm up.

I ran about 2,164 km throughout the entire year. It may look like a big number, but any experienced runner knows that it is insignificant mileage if you are looking for something more than just burning fat. My monthly average was of 180km, again poor compared to the 600+km some elite athletes put in.

Most of this mileage was done in jog sessions going from 9km short runs to 20km long runs. A few speed and interval sessions were done at the end of the year, but not enough to have meaningful results.

I was still new in town and was more concerned in the night life scene more than the healthy sport scene this country has to offer.

I did though compete a lot.

It may sound surprising, but I am not a fan of training. Running around, doing nothing other than think and move my legs ... I actually find it a bit boring. Not to mention losing weight (I really wish I could gain weight). In the other hand, I love competing and winning. So I find myself in a dilemma. To train or not to train ... my love for victory is stronger so I force myself to practice.

In 2006 I took part in 19 competitions.

Out of these 19 competitions I won: 0 (jaja que cagada!!).

I did come 4th out of 1800 in a half marathon and 5th in an elite aquathlon competition so do not laugh too hard ... do feel free to laugh though.

However I improved all of my high school personal bests and realized that between the level of competition of Peru and Japan lies a HUGE GAP.

Then 2007 came, but that is for another post as I have to make this an efficient day by getting offline.

(In the picture me and my sister at 2006 Kumagaya Sakura half marathon)

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