Friday, December 18, 2009
Races in November
I guess that's that for individual events this year. A year where nothing other than wisdom was won.
Hikarigaoka half marathon
First time I take part in this race. When I signed up I had as a goal to place top 3. Worst case scenario place top 5. Finished 8th in a mediocre time of 1 hour 16 minutes. If I would have at least tied my personal best though I would have finished top 5 as planned.
The race organization is not the best I have seen, yet acceptable. However the course is repetitive, thus boring. There is a lack, or to be more exact, there are no kilometer marks. And it is a bit crowded in places. All in all I'd give this a score of 3/5. A race to do just once (I will probably do it again as a revenge).
I wonder what the prizes are as the price to participate is not cheap - 3500 yen.
As there were no kilometer marks I have no splits.
Saitama half marathon
Came into this race just for a jog. The first (and hopefully only time) time I pay 3500 yen to just jog. The course was not repetitive, but it was not eye opening either. Just a run around Saitama City, where there is really nothing to see.
Might come next year again as there were kilometer marks and the organization I thought was good.
My 5km splits: 20.48 - 19.24 - 20.34 - 19.11 - 3.30
Hoping this to be my marathon pace!
November running: siiiiick
1. Rest
2. Rest
3. 10 km tempo - 35.47: Total 18 km
Splits: 3.39 - 3.36 - 3.36 - 3.38 - 3.36 - 3.38 - 3.38 - 3.38 - 3.35 - 3.10
Average: 3.34
4. Bike commute 22 km
Jog 18 km
5. Bike commute 22 km
Jog 17 km
6. Jog 10 km
7. Rest
8. Hikarigaoka half marathon 1.16.09
Total 29 km
9. Sick
10. Sick
11. Sick
12. Sick
13. Sick
14. Sick
15. Sick
16. Sick
17. Sick
18. Sick
19. Sick
20. Sick
21. Sick
22. Sick
23. Saitama half Marathon - 1.23.28 (training run)
Total 24 km
24. Rest
25. Bike commute 22 km
Jog 18 km
26. Bike commute 22 km
Jog 9 km
27. Jog 17 km
28. Jog 19 km
29. Rest
30. Rest
Total Run: 179 km
Total Bike : 88 km
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Just 10 weeks for Tokyo Marathon
My first time …
I ran my first marathon in February 2008 during the 2nd edition of Tokyo Marathon. My initial goal was to run a 4 minute pace race. However, injury and illness forced me to amend my plans. Sprained my ankle mid November taking over 2 weeks to recover and caught the flu in December which knocked me out for another two weeks. Ended up running less than 150 km on both months. Fortunately my friend Brett, a very experienced marathoner, offered to pace me during Tokyo Marathon. The new goal: To break 3 hours. Incredibly I finished with a time of 2.53.
History repeats itself …
2009 has been the worst running year since I began long distance running in 2006. I have spent half the year injured or sick, with mediocre results in all my races. Fortunately things seems to be going smoothly now. I am been very careful about my health and running form as stumbling now would have disastrous consequences for the upcoming event. Very far from the shape I was in last year. But I still have faith for a miracle to happen in these final weeks.
The new goal …
I really do not know what to expect. I am in better shape than I was 8 weeks before the 2008 marathon. And by the time the race day comes I will – assuming no injuries – be in a lot better shape than I was in 2008.
A 4 minute pace race should be relatively easy to achieve. That would give me a PB of 2.48. Four minutes faster than my debut. Quite an accomplishment. A 3.50 pace race would be a challenge, especially considering my current endurance. That would give me a PB of 2.41 : A very good time. In the next 6 weeks, depending on how training goes, the goal pace will be decided. A second too fast and my body will not be able to stand it … a few seconds too slow and I will finish disappointed.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Races in October
Two failures and one success.
Very bad weather in all three.
(the aquathlon report should be in the shonan series report)
Takashimadaira 20 km (10/18)
I took part in Takashimadaira once again (3rd time). It was my first long race of the year and preparation to Saitama half which I will run on the 23rd of November. The goal was to run sub 72 minutes. I thought it would be easy, as last year I ran 70 minutes flat running at 95% ... but I guess am not back in shape yet.
Every single lap was slower than the previous one. I ended running km 17-19 at marathon pace to reserve for a pointless kick in the last kilometer. Final official time was 72.44 - net time was probably a lot faster as I began. In my watch I recorded a time of 72.36. Either way not a good race.
Weather did not help a lot with temperatures rising over 20 C before the start.
7.03 - 3.28 - 3.33 - 3.27 > 17.33
7.21 - 3.35 - 3.35 - 3.30 > 35.36
7.23 - 3.37 - 3.41 - 3.41 > 54.00
7.28 - 3.52 - 3.47 - 3.29 > 1.12.37
Shinjuku 10,000 (10/24)
Tired from the 20km less than a week ago and a hard training 4 days previous to the race I really did not expect much here. It was my first official 10,000. Other times have just been pace runs. My best time so far been of 33.58 .
The weather once again was my enemy.
It began raining 10 minutes before the start, temperatures went down and the wind began to blow. I decided to take it easy and that did work in my favor.
34.20.20 Negative splits: 17.14 - 17.06 Pretty even pace except for the final lap kick.
High hopes for races to come.
3.23 - 3.27 - 3.26 - 3.27 - 3.28
3.27 - 3.29 - 3.26 - 3.24 - 3.16
Average: 3.25.94
October running: finally good numbers
Also had my first two important races of the season. Takashimadaira 20km road race and a my first official 10,000 meter track race. In the first I failed in my goal of running sub 71 minutes. In the 2nd I surprised myself with a decent time in bad weather.
1. 2100 meter swim
2. Jog 12 km
3. Rest
4. Jog 10 km
5. Rest
6. 1900 meter swim
10 km tempo - 35.46 : Total 18km
Splits: 3.36 - 3.40 - 3.38 - 3.37 - 3.38 - 3.38 - 3.40 - 3.37 - 3.38 - 3.11
Average: 3.34
7. Rest
8. Jog 18 km
9. Rest
10. 5 x 1000 - 1 min 200 meter recovery jog (concrete) : Total 16 km
3.25 - 3.20 - 3.18 - 3.18 - 3.09
11. Jog 13 km
12. Ota Ward Aquathlon
5km total training
40 km cycling
13. Jog 17 km
14. Bike Commute 22 km
Jog 15 km
Jog 8 km
15. Bike Commute 22 km
Jog 10 km
16. Jog 17 km
17. Rest
18. Takashimadaira 20 km - 1.12.44
Total: 28 km
19. Rest
20. Bike Commute 22 km
Jog 9 km
3 x 1000 - 200 meter 1 min recovery jog (concrete)
3.09 - 3.07 - 3.08
21. Bike Commute 22 km
Jog 18 km
22. Bike Commute 22 km
Jog 17 km
23. Rest
24. Shinjuku 10,000 track - 34.20.20 - 4th
12 km total
25. Rest
26. Rest
27. Bike Commute 22 km
Jog 17 km
28. Bike Commute 22 km
Jog 15 km
29. Bike Commute 22 km
5 km time trial - 16.22
13 km total
30. Rest
31. Jog 9 km
Total Run: 309 km
Total Swim: 4400 meters
Total Bike: 216 km
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Shonan Aquathlon Series: Disaster
Previous years it was composed of 4 races, however this year it increased to 5 with the addition of Ota ward aquathlon. Ending in the following race order:
Nihon Gakuen, Meguro, Shibuya, Setagaya and Ota.
2 years ago I managed to finish 2nd in the general results, last year I ended champion winning two races and coming 2nd in another. This year the goal was to of course defend my title ... which did not happen. Ended 4th in the general results.
It seems the tournament is gaining popularity. It is cheap, prices are good and until last year the level of competition was very low. Plus the race itself is short so an athlete can always do his regular training after racing without any risk of injury or overworking.
Nihon Gakuen
Came in 2nd. The prize for this race is jogging shoes, which I wanted, which I thought were to be mine...but lost. Lost against a university triathlete (which ended up winning the entire tournament).
It was very dumb though. Went with a hangover, took the lead and instead of opening a gap took it easy until I got passed and well it was too late to react...over confidence defeated me.
Did not show up haha.
Went drunk. Literally, directly from the club to the race.
It just happened to be that way. Had an event the day before the race and well aquathlons aren't really THAT important. Ended 5th
Good race. Good performance. Setagaya is the most competitive event with many university athletes showing up every year. Came in 4th, with 3rd right in front.
Now, I don't want to say I let the 3rd place beat me, but I tripped him during the race and he had a really bad fall ... so I kind of waited until he recovered and caught with me again ... oh well.
I thought I would win this one. Was really sure about it and even now still do not understand what happened. In my heat - aka the fast heat - I finished 4th with only seconds of difference with the 1st. Some how everyone in the 2nd heat - the old men - had a fantastic race. Perfect swim, great run. Flawless. Even the 4th place of that heat beat my time leaving me 9th in the general result. Still only seconds away from the 1st place. I think there were only 10 seconds between the 1st and 10th place. Insane.
Disaster. Performance wise I had a lot of course personal bests, but mentally I had many flaws.
Will very likely give it a try next year again. Hopefully I can recover my title as champion.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Upcoming races: Come cheer if you are around lol
October 12th: Ota Ward Aquathlon
Nearest Station: 大鳥居
October: 18th: Takashimadaira 20km
Nearest Station: Takashimadaira
October 24th: 10km at Nationa Stadium
Nearest Station: Sendagaya or the stadium one
November 8th: Hikarigaoka Half Marathon:
Nearest place: Hikarigaoka Park in Nerima
November 14th: 5km (and maybe 1500) at Komazawa track
Nearest place: Komazawa park
November 23rd: Saitama half marathon
Nearest Station: Urawa
December 6th: Okutama Ekiden
Nearest Station: Okutama (?)
December 13th: Narita 10 km
Nearest Station: somewhere near the airport
January 17th: Yokota half
January 24th: Shibuya Ekiden
February 7th: 10km somewhere in Chiba maybe
February 28th: Tokyo marathon if I get in
March - April: Track
May - September: Triathlons and Aquathlons (and some road and track in between)
And the cycle begins again
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
September Running: Getting there
1. Bike commute 22 km
Jog 13 km
2. Bike commute 22 km
Jog 15 km
3. Bike commute 22 km
Jog 11 km
4. Jog 10 km
5. 2100 meter swim
6. 10 km tempo - 36.11
Splits: 3.40 - 3.38 - 3.39 - 3.40 - 3.41 - 3.39 - 3.37 - 3.35 - 3.33 - 3.24
7. Jog 10 km
8. Bike commute 22 km
Jog 12 km
9. Bike commute 26 km
10. Bike commute 22 km
5 x 1000 - 1 min 200 meter recovery jog (dirt track): Total 14 km
3.23 - 3.23 - 3.20 - 3.17 - 3.13
11. Jog 10 km
12. Sick
13. Sick
14. Jog 10 km
15. Bike commute 22 km
Jog 12 km
16. Bike commute 22 km
Jog 15 km
17. Bike commute 22 km
1600 meter swim
18. Rest
19. Shibuya Aquathlon 300 meter swim / 1500 meter run
20. Jog 17 km
21. Jog 13 km
22. Jog 6 km
23. Setagaya Aquathlon 300 meter swim / 3100 meter run
24. Bike commute 22 km
Jog 18 km
25. Sick
26. Sick
27. Sick
28. Jog 15 km
29. Bike commute 22 km
Jog 10 km
30. 5 km TT - 16.19
Total Run 254 km
Total Swim 4300 mts
Total Bike 224 km
August Running: things look a bit better
But at least managed to go over 200km. Hopefully next month get near 300 km and can start working my way up to 400 km per month again. Oh and applied for Tokyo Marathon !!!
1. Jog 13 km
2. Rest
3. Jog 10 km
4. 1000 x 3 - 1 min 200 meter recovery jog : Total 14 km
3.11 - 3.11 - 3.13 (10 min break)
3000 x 1 : 10.36
5. Jog 16 km
6. Rest
7. 2300 meter swim
8. Rest
9. Jog 17 km (hilly)
10. 2300 meter swim
11. Rest
12. Rest
13. Rest
14. Jog 13 km
15. Rest
16. Jog 18 km
17. Jog 13 km
18. 6 km pace run - Total : 16 km
Splits: 3.31 - 3.32 - 3.32 - 3.34 - 3.35 - 3.38
19. Rest
20. Jog 18 km
21. Jog 18 km @ 4.10 pace
22. Jog 17 km @ 4.10 pace
23. Rest
24. Rest
25. Jog 10 km
26. 5 km time trial - 16.35 - Total : 13 km
27. Rest
28. Rest
29. Rest
30. Nihon Gakuen Aquathlon 300 meter swim/1500 meter run
2nd place: 11.31
Total Run: 212 km
Total Swim: 4900 km
July Running: No, I was not injured
1. 2300 meter swim
2. Rest
3. 5 x 200 @ 1500 meter pace. Total : 10 km
4. Edogawa Open Track Meet
1500 meters: 4.17.06
Total: 6 km
5. Rest
6. Rest
7. Bike commute 22 km
2000 meter swim
8. Bike commute 22 km
Jog 15 km
9. Bike commute 22 km
2000 meter swim
10. Rest
11. Open Water 3.2 km swim (+300 mt cool down)
Jog 13 km Trail
12. Jog 25 km
13. Rest
14. Jog 12 km
15. Rest
16. Jog 18 km
2000 meter swim
17. Jog 15 km
18. Rest
19. Jog 17 km
20. Rest
21. Rest
22. Rest
23. Rest
24. Rest
25. Rest
26. Rest
27. Rest
28. Jog 13 km
29. Rest
30. Rest
31. Jog 23 km
Total Run: 167 km
Total Swim: 11800 meters
Total Bike: 66 km
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Kamakura Rough Water Swim Race Report
With a 10 year background in swimming I thought that perhaps it would be a relatively easy task to cover the 3.2 km in decent time. Obviously I was wrong. Open water swimming in the ocean (I have done it before in a lake during a triathlon) turned out to be a whole different sport with a whole set of techincal skills I need to learn.
Among them:
1. Do not wear a wetsuit just because you have one and feel its a waste not to wear it. If the water is cool go with just the swim suit.
2. I need to learn how to swim hard. If I take it easy I can see where I am going but the second I begin pushing it I go off course.
3. Pace, pace, pace. Need to learn how to keep pace when there are no distance marks.
The distance, although double than anything I had ever done was not challenging. Yes it was tiring, but considering I couldn't really push myself (as I would go off course), I ended with a lot of energy.
But well, to the report.
The course consisted of 300 meters out and back to the start line in the sand. Then out again for the remaining 2600 meters. Taking the running advantage at the beginning I managed to go into the sand 6th after the first 600 meters. Things felt good, but everything would go downhill from there. The second I got into the water the wetsuit began cutting through my neck. I had forgotten to put on some lubricant on my skin!! Every breathe I took was more and more painful. After 5 minutes I could feel my neck burning, even felt as if it was bleeding. I kept on going trying to breathe by looking forward without moving my neck, but this was just slowing me down. 1700 meters left. I had to take my wetsuit off.
Now one small explanation:
I dont know if it is the same for everyone but I find it very difficult to put on my wetsuit. Taking it off I think is even harder. Taking it off in the middle of the ocean, tired and with no floor to stand on ... for me an impossible task.
I spotted the water stating and swam towards it.
The conversation (screaming) was something like this:
Me: Can I leave my wetsuit here?
Him: Here you are.
Me: I do not need water.
Him: Here you are (to the swimmer next to me).
Me: Yo! I want to leave my wetsuit here (looking at the time in my watch).
Him: Sure
Me: Begin the process and get too tired midway to finish. Both my hands are stretched pointing to the sky trapped with the upper part of the suit. My face completely covered and I am sinking. Me: Excuse me, can someone out there help me take the suit off?
Him: Here you are.
Me: (if I were not next to a boat this would be it) ... Yoooooo!!!!! Take off this suit !!!!! Take it offfffff!
Him: Excuse me what?
Another guy: Starts laughing
Me: Help! me! Help! me! pull this off! pull it!
Him: Pulls off my suit
Me: Thanks
Now that took SO LONG! Dozens of swimmers had gone by me.
They even took a picture!

The remaining of the swim went smoothly. If felt great to swim without the suit.
Ended 6th in my age group I think but around 30th in the general category.
The Rough Water Series ended up been a rough challenge. Will be back next year for a second round.
Friday, August 21, 2009
June running: very little running
First real bike session this month but will very likely be the only one.
- Love how I write this post as if it is June still when actually it's already August.
1. Rest
2. Swim 1500 meters
3. bike commute 22 km
Jog 15 km
4. bike commute 22 km
5 x 800 - 2 min 400 meter recovery jog (dirt track) : Total 14 km
2.32 - 2.28 - 2.29 - 2.29 - 2.26
5. Rest
6. Rest
7. Jog 16 km
8. Rest
9. bike commute 22 km
10 km tempo - 34.38 : Total 18 km
Splits: 3.29 - 3.28 - 3.27 - 3.27 - 3.27 - 3.27 - 3.28 - 3.29 - 3.28 - 3.22
10. bike commute 22 km
Jog 13 km
11. 1800 meters swim
12. Jog 17 km
13. Rest
14. Jog 13 km
15. Jog 17 km
16. Rest
17. 10 x 400 - 2 min 400 meter recovery jog (dirt track) : Total 15 km
1.10 - 1.12 - 1.12 - 1.10 - 1.11 - 1.10 - 1.10 - 1.06 - 1.09 - 1.05
18. Rest
19. Jog 17 km
20. Rest
21. Rest
22. bike 60 km - 25km @ 2min pace
1600 meter swim
23. Jog 11 km
24. 2000 meters swim
25. bike commute 22 km
Jog 10 km
26. Jog 18 km
27. Rest
28. 2100 meters swim
29. Rest
30. 8 x 400 - 2.30 min 400 meter recovery jog : Total 15 km
1.05 - 1.09 - 1.06 - 1.08 - 1.07 - 1.08 - 1.08 - 1.04
Total running: 209 km
Total swim: 9000 meters
Total bike : 192 km
May Running: nothing new
May was okay. No real training but began cycling to commute and logged my first two swim sessions of the year.
Things look bad this year.
1. Rest
2. TELL 5 km: 16.37
Total: 14km
3. Jog 9 km trail
4. Jog 19 km
5. Rest
6. Rest
7. Rest
8. Jog 17 km
9. Rest
10. Jog 17 km
11. Rest
12. Jog 11 km
13. bike commute 22 km
Jog 18 km @4.10 pace
14. Rest
15. Jog 17 km
16. Rest
17. Rest
18. Jog 13 km
19. 10 km tempo - 35.59 : Total 18 km
Splits: 3.35 - 3.33 - 3.31 - 3.32 - 3.36 - 3.36 - 3.39 - 3.40 - 3.38 - 3.35
20. Jog 15 km
21. 3 x 2000 - 2.30 min 400 meter recovery jog (dirt track) : Total 14 km
6.47 - 6.38 - 6.40
22. Rest
23. Jog 15 km
24. Rest
25. Rest
26. Jog 14 km
27. bike commute 22 km
Jog 9 km
28. Rest
29. swim 15000 meters
30. Jog 17 km
31. swim 1500 meters
Total running: 237 km
Total bike: 44 km
Total swim: 3000 meters
Monday, May 18, 2009
My swimming, well there is no swimming at all. But will start soon.
My cycling ... "my" tyre is gone and actually do not even own an bike yet.
With that said, I think I can be a very good triathlete.
I have no rush, still young, kind of, but have the confidence to say that I am potentially among the best 5 triathletes in Peru.
haha yup, for sure among the best 5 even though I have only done one triathlon and do not even know how to ride a bicycle properly yet.
One day (maybe in one or two years) I will get myself a tri specific bike, train hard and ride 40 km in under 70 minutes. I think a very possible goal. Crazy would say to ride under 55 minutes. Difficult under 65, but under 70 is realistic.
I will run under 35 minutes - now this is already I can do any time, and in two years for sure at the end of a triathlon.
I will swim under 23 minutes - very realistic as well. In the pool, with no endurance and alone I have already done it in 24. With endurance probably under 22, so open water in a good day a sub 23 is possible.
No let's add -
1 hr 10 + 23 + 35 = 2 hr 08 min
I do not add transitions because I will actually be some seconds faster than those times.
haha yes in 2 - 3 years I will do 2 hr. 08 min. and that will just be the beginning.
Omar has spoken !!
FYI - I think currently in Peru there is nobody who can break 2.05 (not sure actually) or has the potential to do so (that is taking only athletes over 18).
ok time to go back to reality and work
April running: taking it easy
Ran a race on April 4th, of course lost, but I was surprise to be able to sneak under 4.30 in 1500 without much endurance. Have a lot of work to do if I want to get near my personal best of 4.10.
1. Rest
2. Jog 11 km
3. Rest
4. Komazawa 1500 track meet: 4.28 (test race)
5. Rest
6. Rest
7. Jog 12 km
8. Jog 12 km
9. Jog 15 km
10. Rest
11. Jog 15 km
12. Jog 15 km
13. Jog 11 km
14. Rest
15. Jog 15 km
16. Jog 13 km
17. Rest
18. Jog 17 km
19. Jog 23 km
20. Rest
21. Jog 11 km
22. Jog 15 km + bike commute 22 km
23. bike commute 22 km
24. Rest
25. Rest
26. Jog 13 km
27. Jog 15 km
28. bike commute 22 km
29. 5 km time trial 16.35 (pace run)
30. Jog 10 km
Total running: 241 km
Total bike: 66 km
Monday, April 27, 2009
March running: no running just cycling
I can see this spring will be mostly about recovering and for fun racing (if any). Hopefully I still have chance of getting in a PB or two this year.
1.- Injury
2.- Jog 5 km
3.- Injury
4.- Injury
5.- bike commute 22 km
6.- Injury
7.- Injury
8.- Injury
9.- Injury
10.- bike commute 22 km
11.- Jog 9 km + bike commute 22 km
12.- bike commute 22 km
13.- Injury
14.- Injury
15.- Injury
16.- Injury
17.- bike commute 22 km
18.- bike commute 22 km
19.- Injury
20.- Injury
21.- Injury
22.- Injury
23.- Injury
24.- Injury
25.- Injury
26.- Injury
27.- Injury
28.- Injury
29.- Injury
30.- Jog 10 km
31.- Jog 8 km
Total running: 32 km
Bike: 132 km (commute)
Monday, March 9, 2009
February Running : Eating cakes and sleeping all day
1. Injury
2. Jog 14 km
3. Injury
4. Injury
5. Injury
6. Injury
7. Injury
8. Injury
9. Jog 14 km
10. Jog 9 km
11. Injury
12. Injury
13. Injury
14. Injury
15. Injury
16. Injury
17. Injury
18. bicycle commute 22 km
19. bicycle commute 22 km
20. Injury
21. Injury
22. Injury
23. Injury
24. bicycle commute 22 km
25. Injury
26. Injury
27. Injury
28. Injury
Total running: 37 km
Total bike: 66 km (commute)
January Running : Good but bad start for 2009
2009 began nicely with a victory at the Shibuya Ekiden. Ran the 4th leg in a more than satisfying time considering the training I had under my belt. Things however have gone downhill since. Injured my knee playing soccer (January 21st). At first it seemed like just a bump but running on it is now worse.
Already mid-February and still waiting …
1.- Sick
2.- Sick
3.- Jog 19 km
4.- Jog 13 km
5.- Jog 13 km
6.- Rest
7.- Morning: Jog 10 km
Afternoon: Jog 13 km
8.- Morning: Jog 13 km
Afternoon: Jog 10 km @ 4 min pace
9.- Rest
10.- Rest
11.- Rest
12.- Jog 17 km
13.- 5 x 1000 – 3 min 600 meter recovery jog : Total 16 km
3.02 - 3.08 – 3.12 – 3.16 – 3.21
14.- Jog 20 km
15.- Rest
16.- 5 x 1000 – 3 min 600 meter recovery jog : Total 16 km
3.12 – 3.14 – 3.16 – 3.18 – 3.07
17.- Rest
18.- Shibuya Ekiden – 1st place (4th stage 9.08)
7 x 1000 – 1 min 100 meter recover jog (concrete – easy pace)
3.31 – 3.28 – 3.19 – 3.24 – 3.22 – 3.24 – 3.15
*right after the ekiden : Total 19 km
19.- Jog 14 km
20.- 10 km tempo – 36.06 : Total 20 km
Splits: 3.42 – 3.40 – 3.36 – 3.34 – 3.33 – 3.30 – 3.31 – 3.36 – 3.35 – 3.30
21.- Jog 20 km
22.- Rest
23.- Jog 17 km
24.- Jog 11 km
25.- 8 km tempo + hill sprints : Total 22 km
26.- Rest
27.- 3 x 2000 – 2 min 400 meter recovery jog : Total 15 km
6.52 – 6.50 – 6.43
28.- Injury
29.- Jog 12 km
30.- Injury
31.- Injury
Total running: 310 km
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Shibuya Ekiden Champions

The ekiden consists of 4 stages, each going over the same course of 2.9km. For the winners a flag which they will have the honor to keep for a year, awaits. The flag has on it all the names of it's previous holders printed.
Perhaps because of it's easy access, short course and good organization it has become a yearly tradition for me to run this race. This was my 3rd time participating (every year with a different team name), and my second time winning it.
I was a bit concerned about how my stage would go as I am not in good shape, however I managed to run the curvy course in 9.08. Pretty fast considering my training - and I believe this is my personal record on the course.
My team was also able to establish a course record (this is a new course - changed 3 years ago) running under 36 minutes with a 35.59 result finishing seconds behind a University Team which runs just as training.
One race ran, one golden medal won. So far 2009 looks good.

Monday, January 5, 2009
2008 in numbers - a summary
Running days: 250 (other days off or cross training - altho 90% off).
Total km: 3835
Average run per day: 10.5 km
Average run per training day: 15.3 km
Average km per month: 319 km
Km high: October - 422 km
Km low: December - 220 km
The highlights:
Personal bests in 1500, 5000, 10,000 and half marathon.
My debuts in the marathon, triathlon and trail running.
The disappointments:
I thought I would average around 350 km per month. Unfortunately due to injuries and life itself I was way off.
The goals for next year:
Get in those 350 km per month minimum.
I imagine that if the above is done I will again pb in everything.
Get a bit more serious with the triathlon.
Win some races !
December running: Injured/sick - déjà vu
I'm glad I did not apply for February's full marathon as it is impossible to get in shape before then. And in a way also happy I did not get into Tokyo marathon (March) as well.
I guess now just concentrate in getting back in shape and doing some speed work for the upcoming track season.
1. Jog 17 km
2. Rest
3. Jog 16 km
4. Injury
5. Injury
6. Injury
7. Injury
8. Injury
9. Injury
10. Injury
11. Injury
12. Injury
13. Injury
14. Mitake trail race 15 km: 1.24.48 - read report
15. Jog 13 km
16. Jog 18 km
17. Injury
18. Injury
19. Jog 17 km
20. Rest
21. 2 x 5000 - 5 min 800 meter recovery jog : Total 22 km
17.28 - 17.10
22. Jog 14 km
23. Jog 17 km
24. Rest
25. Rest
26. Rest
27. Jog 15 km
28. Jog 19 km
29. Jog 18 km @ 4.09 pace
30. Rest
31. Jog 19 km
Total running: 220 km